Itinerant Camp: The Tour du Mont Blanc

A child-friendly version of the mythical Tour du Mont Blanc on foot.

Dive into the heart of the Alps for an expedition like no other around Mont Blanc. This camp, designed for young adventurers, offers a unique combination of physical challenges, self-discovery, and awakening to natural beauty.

Unique Bilingual Experience in the Heart of Nature

French and English

At our summer camp, the Young Explorers Club celebrates cultural and language immersion by offering an exceptional bilingual experience. Participants have the unique opportunity to speak, learn and practice English and French, in a natural and international setting. Our approach allows each young explorer to fully immerse themselves in both languages, enriching their educational experience while indulging in outdoor adventures.

  • Active Learning: Languages are learned through outdoor activities, making learning lively and engaging.
  • Development of Communication Skills: Daily practice of English and/or French in a variety of situations.
  • Boosting Self-Confidence: Express yourself in a new language in front of others.
  • Cultural Exhibition: Interaction with participants of various nationalities.
  • International Adventure: A multicultural setting that erases borders.

A Hiking and Multisports Camp

Mountain adventures, camping, sports and Mont Blanc!

The Tour du Mont Blanc is a breathtaking, multi-day mythical hike that circumnavigates the Mont Blanc massif in the Alps. Kid-friendly, meaning short days and less steep climbs, the trek offers a chance to immerse yourself in the area’s rich natural heritage. We will walk about 3 hours every day, sleep in tents and mountain huts, build camps, participate in afternoon activities, and learn unique facts about geology, biology, and astronomy.

Hiking but also fun!

Camping, games, rock climbing, caves and more!

  • Hiking Mornings : Conquer the emblematic trails, supervised by our experienced guides. Every day offers a new discovery, from sunrise over snow-capped peaks to crossing flower-filled valleys.
  • Multisport Evenings : After a day in the mountains, the evenings are devoted to a variety of sports activities!
  • Afternoons are reserved for team games: imagine raft-building competitions, where cooperation and ingenuity will be your best allies as you navigate the tranquil waters of a mountain lake. The evenings are enlivened by nightly orientation challenges, building trust and collaboration under a starry sky.

Why Join the Camp?

  • Adventure & Discovery : A perfect balance of outdoor adventure and a variety of sports.
  • Personal Development : Build your confidence and team spirit in an international setting.
  • Friends for Life : Make lasting connections with young people from all over the world.
A safe and supportive environment
Safety is our priority. All activities are supervised by experienced instructors and we ensure that every camper feels supported and encouraged throughout their journey.

I felt lost

"I felt lost and unsure of my future before I left for the trip to Mont Blanc, but afterward, I came back feeling refreshed, invigorated, and ready to take on the world. The staff was excellent, the scenery was breathtaking and the memories I made will stay with me forever."
Anais Richet , Participant

I found acceptance

"Who would have thought it would be around Mont Blanc where I found acceptance, friendship and a sense of belonging. The staff was amazing, creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. The journey was difficult, but it brought the group together in a way I didn't expect. I'm so grateful for this experience."
Felix Garcia , Participant

I also learned a lot about myself

Hiking around Mont Blanc this summer has truly been a life-changing experience. Not only did I learn a lot about hiking, but I also learned a lot about myself. I came back from the trip feeling more confident, empowered and grateful for the incredible memories I created."
Sophie Lopez , Participant

My son was in good hands

"As a parent, it was such a relief to know that my son was in good hands at this backpacker summer camp. The staff was well trained and always prioritized the safety of children. The trips were challenging, but also so much fun, and I was able to see my son's growth as he accomplished each one."
Patrick Roy , Parent

Explore new challenges in a fun, safe and caring environment

"My son had an unforgettable time at this summer backpacker camp (Around Mont Blanc)! The staff was very knowledgeable and helpful, and the scenery was breathtaking. He learned a lot about nature and gained a new appreciation for the great outdoors."
Marie-Claire Rousseau , Parent

Registration Form:

Please fill out the form before the spots are sold out!

20% group discount on all bookings!
This means that if you register two or more participants, each of those registrations will be 20% cheaper.


Book a place in the camps for free!

More info:



Sessions 1 week (Swiss participant price: 790CHF**. International participant price: 1210CHF**):

Session 1: 29.06.24 – 6.07.24

Session 2: 11.08.24 – 17.08.24


*Attendees can participate in one or more consecutive sessions. And for those who want longer camps, we have other camps too (participation in multiple sessions is possible).

**Thanks to the help of our local sponsors, we are able to provide a discounted price to all Swiss nationals. The mentioned price includes all costs of the participant during the camp period, i.e. all public or private transport during the camp, food, accommodation costs, and any common group equipment (tents and any other equipment related to the activities, harness and climbing equipment). Not included: Round-trip transportation to the meeting point and any personal equipment (sleeping bag (contact us if you need it), clothing and other personal expenses).

In order to promote the camp to a wider range of families (who might also share our values), we are able to offer a 10% discount on all bookings if they join a friend or family member. This means that if you register two or more participants, each of those registrations will be 10% cheaper.


For Swiss participants, the meeting point for all the different sessions of the camp is at Lausanne Gare. From Lausanne, transport is organized to the departure of the camp in Obergoms for 1 day of multi-activities before the start of the camp. Another meeting point will be organized from Geneva airport for international participants. Transport will also be arranged from there.

Ages & Languages

We offer this camp in 2 versions, one for 9 – 13 year olds (itinerary and activities adapted to needs) and the other for 14 – 18 year olds. For participants between the ages of 16 and 18, we offer our innovative, youth-friendly leadership program, offering a unique blend of camp participation and a specialized program. This program is designed to foster the development of technical and soft skills through a series of activities, workshops, and hands-on leadership opportunities. We believe in bringing together an international community, which is why the languages spoken at the camp are French and English, which is what we have seen from our past experience and the huge benefit of mixing Francophones and Anglophones and learning from both groups.

Why should I attend this camp?

Participating in the “Tour du Mont Blanc” summer camp is an incomparable experience that combines adventure, learning and personal discovery in one of the most spectacular mountain environments in the world. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty, challenge yourself physically while hiking around the Mont Blanc massif, and develop leadership and teamwork skills through various activities. You will also have the opportunity to meet young people from diverse backgrounds, enriching your experience through cultural sharing. This camp offers much more than just an adventure: it’s a quest for personal growth, independence, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Itinerary and activities

Day 1: Chamonix to Trient

We embark on an enchanting adventure starting from the picturesque village of Le Tour, starting an ascent through the green mountain pastures to reach the Col de Balme (2191m), located on the French-Swiss border. From here we enjoy one last look at the beautiful Chamonix valley and the imposing Aiguilles Rouges massif before descending through green pastures and dense forests, finally arriving at the charming village of Trient (1326m). We settle in for the night at the picturesque campsite of Col de la Forclaz.

Elevation gain: 600 m, elevation gain: 600 m


Day 2: Trient in La Fouly

We climb into a lush forest overlooking the Rhone Valley and Martigny, reaching the peaceful mountain pastures of La Bovine (1987m), an idyllic place for our picnic in the middle of the Hérens cows. Then we descend to the Plan de l’Au, finish the route in Champex (1482m) and take a bus to reach the campsite of La Fouly, passing through charming traditional Swiss villages.

Elevation gain: 460 m, elevation gain: 500 m


Day 3: La Fouly to Val Ferret (Italian side)

After a short transfer to the bottom of the valley (1802m), we climb through the Swiss mountain pastures, to meet the shepherds and their flocks of sheep, as well as the famous grey cows with “bear’s ears”. Finally reach the Grand Col Ferret (2490m) on the Italian-Swiss border, with a breathtaking view of the south faces of the Mont Blanc massif and the emblematic Mont Dolent. The descent takes place in front of the magnificent glaciers of Pré de Bar and Miage, leading to the bottom of the Italian Val Ferret at Arnuva (1769m). We spend the night at the campsite in Planpincieux.

Elevation gain: 500 m, elevation gain: 600 m


Day 4: Val Ferret to Courmayeur

We embark on a delightful crossing of the Montagne de Saxe, starting from the hamlet of Lavachey (1650m) and reaching the mythical Walter Bonatti refuge. Through the charming valley of Malatra, we reach the passes “Entre deux sauts” (2521m) and “Col des Sapins” (2435m) before following the path of Val Sapin to reach the hamlet of Villair Superiore. We then enjoy the delights of Courmayeur and a well-deserved ice cream, before heading to the Val Veny campsite.

Elevation gain: 650 m, elevation gain: 700 m


Day 5: Val Veny aux Chapieux

Starting from the hamlet of La Visaille (1659m), we follow the sparkling waters of Lake Combal, gradually reaching the Italian-French border and the Col de la Seigne (2516m), bidding farewell to the Italian side of Mont Blanc. We descend through the picturesque Beaufortin mountain pastures, with their herds of goats and velvet-eyed Tarines cows, to finally reach Les Chapieux where we spend the night at the campsite.

Elevation gain: 500 m, elevation gain: 600 m


Day 6 : From Les Chapieux to Les Contamines

Today we embark on a hike to the Col du Bonhomme (2433m), crossing breathtaking mountain pastures with the potential for surprising encounters.


Day 7: Chamonix

Transport to Chamonix and multi-activities

A typical day
7:00 am – Wake up and have breakfast at camp.
8:00 am – Camp preparation and start the bike trip
12:00 pm – Stop for lunch (sandwich, crackers, fruit, etc.)
14:00 – Camp set up for the night
15:00 – Explore the surroundings and schedule activities.
6:00 p.m. – Cook dinner (freeze-dried meal, soup, etc.)
7:00 p.m. – Campfire and socialization, educational program (astronomy, team game).
9:00 p.m. – Lights off
Note: This is only a sample itinerary and activities can be adjusted according to the needs and preferences of the group.
What physical condition should I be in?

Since we will be participating in different outdoor activities throughout the trip, our students must have a minimum of physical fitness to participate in the camp. But in our experience, this is the case for 95% of young people between 9 and 16 years old! In the months leading up to your trip, we recommend that you participate in physical activity at least once a week if you are not already doing so. Contact us if in doubt, we will be happy to guide you to the best camp.

What equipment should I bring?

List the material:

Learning outcomes from this trip:
Our participants gain a variety of skills and knowledge, including:
  • Leadership & Teamwork
  • Outdoor Survival & Camping Skills
  • First Aid and Emergency Preparedness
  • Environmental Awareness and Conservation
  • Personal Values and Ethical Decision-Making
  • Cultural understanding and respect for diversity
  • Fitness & Healthy Habits
  • Citizenship and Community Service
  • The ultimate goal is to help our participants become responsible and well-rounded individuals, ready to make a positive impact in the world.
What if I don't know anyone else?

Most of our students come to Young Explorers Club without knowing anyone before their trip. You’ll start making friends as soon as you arrive at the airport (and our instructors will be there to help). Once the journey is over, you won’t want to leave your new community! Most of our students remain friends long after their summer is over. We firmly believe that life is about having new experiences and making the most of every moment. However, we also recognize that the most meaningful experiences often require stepping out of our comfort zones and venturing away from familiar surroundings. When we do this, we find ourselves in unfamiliar and challenging environments, which forces us to fully engage with our surroundings and truly live in the moment. These new places and situations often bring new perspectives and can inspire us to continue seeking out new experiences that push us to grow and broaden our horizons.

What are the other students like?

The teenagers who come to the Young Explorers Club are kind, welcoming, eager to learn and come from all over Switzerland, France, USA and elsewhere. Our groups are full of positive young adults who will work well with each other. Young Explorers Club places a strong emphasis on group dynamics and creating a supportive social environment, and our students reflect this.

Safety: Is this camp safe?

During each activity, all preventive safety measures are in place and strictly followed. To see all our safety measures and protocols, please visit our dedicated page: SECURITY & TEAM.

Do you have any other questions?

We believe in human-to-human interaction: write to us via our contact methods ( and schedule a call or meeting with one of our employees. We will be happy to answer any doubts or questions you may have. Or find the list of all frequently asked questions on FAQs.

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